Scripts for Free – Transform Helper (Metashape Python)

Are you looking for Metashape python script for free? To enhance your experience with Metashape Pro, you can use the built-in Python scripting language to automate tasks and improve functionality. Therefore, by incorporating Python scripts, you streamline workflows and customize the software to fit your specific needs.

This toolkit is a useful edition to what is a very capable, feature rich product – it opens up customisation and enrichment of how we work.

Technical Director José has a keen eye for improvement and decided the transform options for the View, Region and Object could be enhanced. So he set Geobit ES to work creating a script to make life a little easier.

Loading the free Metshape Python Script

To streamline your workflow, you can easily load all Python scripts from the Tools menu or automatically from the user profile area at startup. Simply place the script in the following folder:

  • Windows: C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Agisoft/Metashape Pro/scripts/
  • Mac: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Agisoft/Metashape Pro/scripts/
  • Linux: /home/<username>/.local/share/Agisoft/Metashape Pro/scripts/

Now that we have added the free Metashape Python Script, on starting or loading we now get a new menu item called Helpers:

Helpers menu with Transform dialog

Transform Options

When using Metashape python’s free script, Transform can work with three items:

  • View – what is the viewport direction?
  • Region – where is the bounding box?
  • Object – where is the 3D reconstruction?
metashape python script free
The three transform options

View allows us to manipulate the direction of the viewport via buttons for the named views, or rotated manually via the XYZ coordinates.

Region allows us to manipulate the position and size of the bounding box by steps or sliders.

However, selecting Object triggers a warning:

metashape python script free
Warning when accessing the Object menu

Manipulating a Metashape python model constrained by geo-referenced ground control points will change the camera positions and may invalidate the model’s relative position. Please keep this in mind when using it.

If you happen to transform your geo located model unintentionally then the Reset Transformation can be used to put things back.

Where to Download?

In conclusion, AccuPixel are making this Metashape Python script available as a free download. So, it’s available in the shop right now. We are very grateful for our partner Geobit Consulting making this available to everyone – for free.

You do need to register an AccuPixel account but we guarantee the spamming won’t happen anytime soon. However, If we write another set of useful code we might want to drop an email out. But, otherwise you won’t hear from us – we promise!

3 thoughts on “Scripts for Free – Transform Helper (Metashape Python)”

  1. Interesting script…..however in View Tab, Show/Hide Items (Cameras, Markers, Other chunks) are unavailable (greyed out)

  2. This is a great tool, gracias Simon, Can you please provide a breif explanation as to how to use the Load Matrix from File and what the Current Matrix values represent? Thank you!

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