Devon and Cornwall police have selected Agisoft Metashape Professional for forensic road collision investigation and preservation of evidence. AccuPixel is pleased to provide training and support to UK police force.
Accupixel will be supporting this with a program of training and officers will shortly be commencing photogrammetry training with the Agisoft endorsed Accupixel Metashape online training course.

The project to equip the force includes Metashape licenses, additional training for Professional and use with both existing survey equipment and drone use. The package, for training and support to UK police, includes ongoing support and consulting services.

In summary, Both Simon and Jose worked hard to demonstrate photogrammetry could meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of the force tender, with the simple goal of reducing forensic investigation time by 50%, whilst integrating with existing surveying equipment. In fact, we remain dedicated to providing training and support to UK police forces.
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